Monday, 5 October 2015

Interactive Blogs Are the Most Successful - Part 2

Interactive Blogs Are the Most Successful - Part 2

There I was only the other day speaking with a chap whom I had never met before. Anyway we were discussing blogs and blogging and the like. Anyway this issue considered my blog and the man mentioned he liked among my posts, cue the really smug happy feeling! anyway I asked if he left a comment? which he replied "No, I had already mentioned on a previous post and didn't want to appear like I only agreed to be posting for postings sake" I form of dismissed this and continued on.

Selling is often a conversation between you and your customer whereby you find out the requirements that customer, go along with those needs, and offer the main advantages of the options of the products or services to answer those needs. How can you do this should you not listen. Through my career the main one glaring mistake I made and observed from other salespeople was the inability listen. Observing salespeople I trained and accompanied I was pleasantly surprised about their lack of capability to listen.

For those articles where you don't have any control whatsoever one course of action would be to disregard the comment. Yes, that could be hard to do, but one of the first things a web-based writer have to do is create a thick skin. You can't take people's comments personally or you will discover yourself second guessing your work and rendering it more agreeable to the loudmouth detractors' perspective. Don't ever trade in your values to appease an anonymous coward hiding behind a screen name.

However, some blogs tell the globe "Hey, come see my blog and make a comment. I am Do Follow". Once you get there it is simple to see the entire site is No Follow. I don't if this can be ignorance regarding their blogging software default settings or sheer fraudulent tactics. Either way it really is deceptive practices at best.

If the blog checks out, see the article by leaving a 2-3 paragraph comment relating to a particular area of the article or conversely include a totally different but relevant insight. Never help make your comment to be spammy also keep in mind that self serving can be a way of spam, so don't mention anything you've written or anything about your website during these paragraphs as that's a surefire strategy to turn off anyone reading your comment.

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